The world is a very imperfect place, and most of us realize this, but we are sometimes surprised by just how crazy it is. Nothing seems to make sense, and many people are feeding off the chaos and confusion that exists. This accounts for why so many are dissatisfied and frustrated with things. Chaos and confusion are tools from satan’s toolbox, and they are designed to bombard, distract, fragment and steal joy. Most of us have busy schedules, and just when we’ve got one task completed, four more are revealed. It is very easy to fall prey to the complications of life and let them overwhelm us. The reality is that God put us here on this earth for His purpose. It can be a crazy place, and our lives can become a little crazy too, but we are commanded to operate through God’s peace. This may require us to make some changes that are necessary for our overall well-being in Christ.
Although some things are ever changing, many things have remained the same. Confusion and chaos, for instance, began when the devil tricked Adam and Eve. They acted on the temptation, sin took root in them, and it has continued ever since. God’s plan for His people is that we are set apart, that His love and His holiness are the fuel for all our actions as we live in Christ. Our peace and wholeness should not be dependent on what is happening around us. His plan is that our lives are lived through what is happening IN us through Christ. He commands us to walk by the Spirit as we depend on God to be our Source and Sufficiency. This means that we let the Lord guide us through even the smallest decisions and choices that we make in life. He tells us in Proverbs 3:5-7(NLT), “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.”
Trust in the Lord Hebrews 11:6(NLT) says, “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” We must have faith in God. With Him all things are possible. Our hearts must be anchored in our faith that God will take care of our problems and needs. When we’re not believing this as we should, life has a tendency to mirror the fact that we are starting to let other things call the shots. God is all powerful and there isn’t anything He can’t do. We need to trust that He will work in even the small details and straighten them out. We need to do as God said in Psalm 32:10 and be still, recognizing that He IS who He says He is. If we learn to just let His peace abide in our hearts and minds, we’ll witness how He provides answers and solutions to all life’s issues.
Seek His Will Jesus Christ told us in Matthew 6:33 that we must always seek God’s Will first because God and our relationship with Him must be our number one priority. Our Lord and Master doesn’t give us these instructions just because they sound good. These instructions are life to us! Once acted upon, they ignite a series of events that allow God’s power to be activated in our lives. God must be first because of who He is. He can never take second place in anything. He is a sovereign King with absolute power, authority, and rule. Our response to His sovereignty and nature can be nothing other than complete humility before Him.
The craziness of our schedules coupled with the chaos in the world can prompt us to focus on everything but our relationship with God. We must open our eyes to this and correct it with due haste. The psalmist, King David, said in Psalm 28:7(NLT), “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” It is easy to see here that David was in distress and no doubt he felt overwhelmed. We know all too well that life can make you feel this way. But David understood something that many believers today have yet to realize, and it is that God is our strength and shield. Amen! We have a foundation in the Lord Jesus Christ and there is no stronger foundation that exist in all the universe.
God hears and answers prayers. He’s mighty in power. He helps us, this is why David said that he burst out in songs of thanksgiving. His heart was filled with thankfulness because he knew God would not fail him. We must recognize this same truth. We can never allow the busyness of our schedules to overtake our commitment to have faith in God. We must always demonstrate our gratitude for all He’s done for us and all He is going to do as we continue to seek Him first.
Let the Lord Direct You Proverbs 3:6 tells us that God will show us which path to take. It is impossible for God to fail, and He never makes a mistake. Our responsibility and privilege are to spend time with Him. Isaiah 26:3 tells us that the Lord will keep us in His perfect peace when our minds are stayed on Him. Through prayer and meditating on His Word, we clear away the blockages that clog up the pathways to His peace, and then we can receive guidance and direction from the indwelling Holy Spirit. There’s nothing too big for God to handle, and the guidance and direction He provides is failproof. We just need to let Him lead.
Some would say that life is crazier than it has ever been. This only means that as believers, our commitment to rest in God’s peace should be greater than IT’S ever been. Chaos and confusion have existed in the world a very long time, but it should not dictate the life of a believer. Colossians 3:3(NLT) declares, “For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.” Our lives are completely overtaken with the newness Christ has given us. Therefore, we must see God and His peace as our continual covering. Putting on His peace should be the first step in anything we undertake.
Craziness may be the backdrop of the world’s reality, but for those who love the Lord Jesus Christ, it is proof positive that he is coming back one day. Until he does, we must do our very best to introduce his peace as lights in this dark world, and we must rest in it ourselves.■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
“When Life Gets Crazy, Remain in God’s Peace” written for©2023. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!