We are living in a time where everyone seems to be out for themselves. Not only is our selfishness unparalleled, but arrogance has captured the attitudes and mindsets of many people as well. I made some remarks about this, and someone said that I was too harsh. The person said, “God created us. So, nothing we do is a surprise to Him. He knew we’d turn out like this, so I don’t think He’s too concerned.” It is true that we can’t surprise Heavenly Father because He knows everything there is to know. There’s no detail about our lives that slips by Him. Understanding this should inspire every individual to want to please Him even more, not less. The reality of who Heavenly Father is never changes, but that isn’t true for you and me. To be transformed is the whole reason we were born.
God didn’t create human beings to be arrogant and selfish, we choose to be, and there’s a terrible cost to continuing to be that way. If we choose not to correct our ways and conduct ourselves according to the example of Jesus Christ, God will allow us to make that choice. He will allow us to live beneath our privilege and to deny the glorious reality of who He has made us in Christ, but if we do this, we will be going against His Will and plan for our lives. God doesn’t want us to do this. He tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a good plan for us, and it is to give us a future and a hope. Through God’s plan, because of the accomplishment of Jesus Christ on the cross, we can enjoy his victory and all the good things that God has planned. Again, this is our choice.
God tells us in Romans 12:2(NLT), “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” The world and its societies are not friends of our Heavenly Father, but enemies. Currently, we are living in what God calls an ‘evil age’ because it is an age where sin is glorified and living according to God’s Word is ridiculed, despised, and attacked. In many respects, the customs and traditions of the world are in direct opposition to God’s Will and Word, and He tells believers not to be conformed by it all.
To be conformed is to be manipulated, molded, and shaped into something that is different from its original state. We were created to be the very image of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, but if we’re not awake and cautious, we can become conformed to the world and begin to mimic its behaviors and customs. God doesn’t want this, because if we allow it, it will take us away from our destiny in Christ. God tells us to change the way we think and begin to think like Jesus Christ so we will be transformed into his likeness.
As believing women of God, we must take great care and caution that selfishness and arrogance does not take hold of our hearts and minds. The world thrives off this kind of attitude and mindset, because it promotes the satanic agenda and keeps people blinded from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must remember that it was satan who started arrogance and selfishness when he wanted to be adored and worshiped, and he attempted a coup in heaven to overthrow God’s Kingdom. Some of these same evil tactics were used on Adam and Eve to tempt them with selfishness and make them think God had withheld blessings from them.
So, we know that these sinful traits get their root in satan, but we also have to know that arrogance and selfishness will steal from us, they will rob the life God wanted us to have. Proverbs 16:18 tells us that pride will lead to destruction and arrogance will lead to a person’s fall. Pride is something God hates. It is an abomination to Him, and no person can be happy if they possess a prideful heart, because they are walking around with something in them that greatly displeases God.
Anything rebellious against the Word and Will of God began with satan. Jesus Christ told those who refused to accept the Gospel in John 8:44(NLT), “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” The believer cannot have a heart and mind that desires to do the things that the devil does. We must understand that anything that isn’t birthed from God’s love will trip us up every time.
God has called us to be children of light in this dark world. We’re called to be different and set apart—to show forth the love of Christ. We cannot allow the evil we witness to be an excuse for us to behave like the very ones we are trying to help to see the light. Through the power of God’s love, we can turn situations into a victory for God’s glory. When we truly understand the bounty and beauty of God’s love, it will make it impossible for us to refuse to be generous and we will not think more of ourselves than we ought.
The urgency of the times must not be lost on us. Now is the hour to wake up and clothe ourselves in all the spiritual weapons of light that God has provided. Jesus Christ wasn’t in it for himself, he fought the good fight and won the victory over darkness and sin for all of us, saved or not. God wants everyone to come to Him and to know His love. So, let’s remember that all eyes are always on us. People are counting on our lights to shine, they are waiting for us to take a bold stand for God’s goodness and show them something different than what is in this dark world. Our purpose is to live for God. We must labor fervently in prayer to embrace His Will and Word, and show others His grace through our humility and willingness to be a blessing.■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
“Our Purpose Is to Live for God” , written for VictoryinJesus.life©2023. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!